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Our 2017 Resolution for You: Banish "The Chair"

The Chair. You know the one. The one that hasn't been used as a chair in who knows how long. The one that's become a receptacle for all those clothes you were gonna hang & fold once you got them out of the laundry, you swore. All those clothes that needed to be returned or exchanged with the tags still on, and you were GONNA do that, for sure. Next week. Those poor clothes who aren't quite dirty but aren't quite clean, so they are relegated to The Chair. Where they sit. And are piled upon. And forgotten. Or perhaps your chair is the home to outfits once tried but never chosen. And you were going to put them back after you got home from your night out. Totally. You were. For real.

This is the year to free yourself and your clothes from "The Chair"! This eye & head sore no longer needs to be a part of your life! All it takes is a mindful decluttering session with your clothes. Go through them all, one by one, keep only what you truly love, and purge the rest! Once you have only items that you use and cherish, and you've organized them in your drawers and closet, you'll be far more inclined to treat the items you've chosen to keep with love and care (which doesn't include losing them for weeks or months crumpled in the bottom of a pile).

Having a decreased number of items also makes storing them much easier; once you have a place for everything it will be simple to return your beloved items to the place they belong immediately, or put them into the hamper.

Be honest with yourself throughout this process; which of your clothes do you truly love now? Anything kept out of guilt or sentimentality, or that's just plain in bad shape, is ready to move on to a brand new owner. This work has the added benefit of really putting you in touch with who you are right now, and what you love today.

Once this process is done, you will truly have no reason for this chair, other than to sit your butt in and admire the work you've done in your closet!

You can do this! Shop your closet, keep what you love, and beautify your space! And if you live in LA & need a little help with this process, we're here for you! We both adore decluttering and reorganizing closets.

Chairs are for sitting in. Let them serve their true purpose. Let's do this friends! 2017: BANISH THE CHAIR!!

xoxo, the Tidy Fairies

PS: We'd love to see your progress! Share your chair stories & before and afters here or on our Facebook page!

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